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14Forty: 1,440 Minutes in one day. How do you spend them?

14Forty represents the amount of minutes in a day. Each of which, more valuable than the next. 14Forty is an eliete group, that is built on 6 core principles. Integrity, work ethic, positivity, professionalism, relationships, and competitions. These principles aren't optional--they're essential to the success of our team and yours as an individual.


Whether you're talking to a customer, co-worker, or technician, always tell the truth. 

Phone on Desk

Respond Promptly

Return calls, texts, and emails quickly. Your responsiveness reflects your professionalism and reliability.


Accurate Expectations

Communicate clearly about timelines, pricing, and deliverables. Never overpromise or mislead to close a deal.

Business Meeting at Small Table

Hold Yourself Accountable

If you make a mistake, own it and work to fix it. Integrity isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being honest and dependable.

Work Ethic


Outwork Everyone

Commit to putting in more time and effort than your peers. Treat your extra hours as an investment in your future success. Respect is earned from hard work, not results. Remember its an investment, not a sacrafice.


Be Effient

Work smart by prioritizing high-value activities. Avoid distractions and focus on tasks that directly impact your results. Every moment spent slacking off is a moment you’ll never get back. Value your time and make the most of it.


Commit to More

Work 1–2 extra hours daily, adding up to at least 7 more hours each week than the average performer.  Hard work separates the good from the great. By putting in extra effort, you’ll not only achieve more but develop the discipline and habits needed for long-term success


  • Growth Mindset

    • ​See challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. Treat failures as lessons and use them to fuel your growth.

  • Uplift Your Team

    • ​Encourage and support your teammates, creating a positive and collaborative environment. Share successes and celebrate others’ wins.

  • Control the Controlables

    • ​Don’t dwell on external circumstances beyond your control. Instead, focus on your attitude, effort, and performance.


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